The Somos IPSS platform (, an output of this project, is in the phase of launching a new feature - Performance Indicators - which collects data, through a questionnaire, to calculate indicators which allow an analysis of the performance of the IPSS in many dimensions. This new feature allows you to later access:
to their individual indicators, providing them with the possibility of reflecting on the positive and negative aspects of their performance and the identification of areas in which they should act to improve performance and, simultaneously, and if they so wish, communicate these results to different stakeholders;
to global indicators, enabling them to dynamically compare their indicators with those of similar entities (always guaranteeing anonymity), in a benchmarking process that can enable the improvement of some practices and, consequently, the improvement of their performance.
Considering that this feature is of paramount importance for any IPSS, we invite those interested in participating in a clarification session on the platform's features (January 27 at 2:30 pm or January 28 at 6:30 pm).
To confirm your presence, access the link and register until January 25, 2021, in the session that is most convenient for you.
We are waiting for you.